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Legal Q&A

Are these tokenized assets real?

By virtue of the agreement between Etherfuse® and Mexican brokerage houses, Etherfuse® is entitled to acquire the financial assets that represent Mexican government debt and that back the tokens issued by the Company.

Is Etherfuse a legal and regulated Mexican entity?

Etherfuse® is a Mexican company operating under the regime of a variable capital corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the United Mexican States, as evidenced by public deed 46,971, dated June 7, 2023, executed before Ana de Jesús Jiménez Montañez, Public Notary 146 in Mexico City, whose first testimony was registered in the Public Registry of Property and Commerce Registro Público de la Propiedad y de Comercio de la Ciudad de México (RPPCDMX) in Mexico City under folio N-2023048250, dated June 21, 2023.

To whom can I make a complaint?

In accordance with the jurisdiction of the Mexican authorities, the Federal Consumer Protection Department Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor (PROFECO) is the competent administrative body to seek the resolution of disputes between Etherfuse® and its customers and, if applicable, to issue rulings quantifying the breached contractual obligations.

Etherfuse® will identify me?

Etherfuse® is a socially responsible company, it carries out a process of identification and knowledge of its customers. Therefore, you will be only able to generate a profile on the platform in the event that the Company successfully verifies the data and documents provided.

Regulatory Status

The products and services offered by Etherfuse Mx, S.A. de C.V. ("Etherfuse®" or the "Company") are constructed in accordance with current Mexican regulations. By entering into the agreement, through the platform provided by Etherfuse® you may carry out purchase and sale transactions of the tokens issued by Etherfuse®, that may represent securities in a private offering based on Mexico ́s regulatory framework. Thereby, by virtue of the contract entered into with Etherfuse® you acknowledge and agree that the services have been offered to you solely and exclusively by means of a direct and particular invitation addressed to you.


Etherfuse® offers products and services in compliance with its corporate purpose, as well as in compliance with Mexican regulations, such as the Securities Market Law Ley del Mercado de Valores (LMV), Federal Consumer Protection Law Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor (LFPC), the Personal Data Protection Law Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (LFPDPPP), the Commerce Code Código de Comercio (CCO), the Federal Civil Code Código Civil Federal (CCF), the Civil Procedures Code Código Código Nacional de Procedimientos Civiles (CNPC), without any contravention of said regulations, including other financial regulation such as the Credit Institutions Law Ley de Instituciones de Crédito (LIC), the Law to Regulate Financial Technology Institutions Ley para Regular las Instituciones de Tecnología Financiera (LRITF), among others.

Different authorities and third parties have participated in the incorporation and operation of Etherfuse® such as: (i) the Ministry of Economy Secretaría de Economía (SE) in Mexico that grants the authorization for the use of the corporate name of Etherfuse®; (ii) a notary public that provides certainty of the existence of the company; (iii) the Industrial Property Mexican InstituteInstituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) before which the company's trademark has been registered; and, (iv) brokerage houses through which the financial assets purchased by Etherfuse® are acquired, among others.

The above in addition to suppliers contracted by Etherfuse® to have storage measures, information security and operational continuity, as well as legal certainty in the execution of agreements (Legal Paradox®*).

Who is Etherfuse®’s legal representative?

David James Taylor (CEO and sole director of Etherfuse®) is the legal representative of the Company.

How can I find out more about Etherfuse®?

If you have any questions or comments regarding the information provided herein or contained in the service provision and token trading agreement, you can write to us at [email protected] where we will be happy to assist you.

Legal Representation

Legal Paradox® is the only boutique law firm in Mexico focused exclusively on FinTech and Blockchain issues since 2017.

To date, they have advised more than 410 national and foreign companies in the sector, which has led them to be recognized by agencies such as Leaders League and Chambers and Partners as part of the international elite and by Foro Jurídico as Mexico ́s most disruptive digital lawyers.

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